Hello Friends Welcome to the Apneshayar.com, Today We Provide You To Most Listen to your favourite TIME QUOTES  For entertainment  propose.

Are you looking for inspirational quotes and sayings about hurry, life time, aging and the future? Then you are exactly right here! ” I alone can’t change anything anyway “, “It’s too late, the planet can no longer be saved” – we all know these sayings! But actually they are just excuses for simply doing nothing and letting life pass. We have to understand in which epoch we live and how valuable every single second, every single moment can be for our future. And start using the time we have. And efficiently – for ourselves and for the good in the world.

In this article I would therefore like to give you the best sayings about time management, punctuality, time awareness, wasting time, rush, hectic pace and aging – all things that are related to time. Here we go!


No matter whether you work more efficiently and productively , fight against one of the biggest environmental problems of our time or just want to take some hectic and hurry out of your everyday life: here I present you the best sayings to give your time more appreciation. Use them to improve something in your life or in the world!

“The time is bad? Well. You are there to make it better. “ (Thomas Carlyle)

“It is not too little time that we have, rather it is too much time that we do not use.” (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

“We live in a dangerous time. Man controls nature before he has learned to control himself. “ (Albert Schweitzer)

“Time may heal wounds, but it is a miserable beautician.” (Mark Twain)

“Do you love life? Then don’t waste time, because that’s what life consists of. “ (Benjamin Franklin)

“Ordinary people just think about how to spend their time. An intelligent person tries to take advantage of them. “ (Arthur Schopenhauer)

“Future: the time you talk about when you can’t cope with a problem in the present.” (Walter Hesselbach)

“We lack time, especially where we lack the will.” (Ernst Ferstl)

“The soul of all time lies in books.” (Thomas Carlyle)

“My punctuality expresses that your time is as valuable to me as my own.” (Helga Schäferling)

  1. “We need many years until we understand how precious moments can be.” (Ernst Ferstl)
  2. “The best proof of a good upbringing is punctuality.” (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
  3. “Time lingers long enough for those who want to use it.” (Leonardo da Vinci)
  4. “They always say that the lifetime is too short. Man alone can achieve a lot if he knows how to use it properly. “ (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
  5. “Our lifetime is our only time.” (Erich Fried)
  6. “Youth would be a better time if it came later in life.” (Charlie Chaplin)
  7. “Endurance is rewarded sooner or later – but mostly later.” (Wilhelm Busch)
  8. “You want to live without aging; and in reality one ages without living. “ (Alexander Mitscherlich)
  9. “When the time comes when you can, the time when you can is over.” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  10. “Moons and years pass, but life shines through a beautiful moment.” (Franz Grillparzer)
  1. “Manager disease: an epidemic that is caused by the clock hand and transmitted through the appointment calendar.” (John Steinbeck)
  2. “The strange thing about the future is probably the idea that our time will one day be called the good old days.” (Ernest Hemingway)
  3. “Only those who have achieved nothing have time. And with that they have made it further than anyone else. “ (Giovanni Guareschi)
  4. “Time that you enjoy wasting is not wasted.” (John Lennon)
  5. “There is a time for work. And there is a time for love You don’t have more time. “ (Coco Chanel)
  6. “If you want to read in the future, you have to leaf through the past.” (André Malraux)
  7. “The doctor for all necessary evils is the time.” (Menander)
  8. “Punctuality is the art of correctly assessing how much the other person will be late.” (Evelyn Waugh)
  9. “The time to act – we waste it to get ready; but the most favorable moments of action do not wait for our slowness. “ (Demosthenes)
  10. “The two greatest tyrants on earth: chance and time.” (Johann Gottfried von Herder)
  1. “Man watches suspiciously over everything that belongs to him. He only allows time to be stolen, mostly from television. “ (Linus Pauling)
  2. “There are some great truths in the air at all times; they form the intellectual atmosphere of the century. “ (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  3. “Time does not pass faster than it used to, but we pass it in a more hurry.” (George Orwell)
  4. “The years teach many things that one cannot learn from days.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  5. “Future: the excuse of all those who do not want to do anything in the present.” (Harold Pinter)
  6. “The most important thing in life is time. Life means dealing with time correctly. “ (Bruce Lee)
  7. “True generosity consists less in giving than in giving at the right time.” (Jean de La Bruyère)
  8. “Patience, reason and time make the impossibility possible.” (Simon Dach)
  9. “Boredom, felt at the right time, is a sign of intelligence.” (Clifton Fadiman)
  10. “If time is the most precious thing of all, a waste of time is the greatest waste of all.” (Benjamin Franklin)
  1. “The future is the time in which you will know the whole past. As long as you only partially know the past, you live in the present. “ (Gabriel Laub)
  2. “The people of the old time are also those of the new, but the people of yesterday are not those of today.” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  3. “You should never have so much to do that you don’t have time to think.” (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)
  4. “The hourglasses are not only a reminder of the rapid flight of time, but also of the dust in which we will one day fall.” (Georg Christoph Lichtenberg)
  5. “Time is not money. But money takes time for some and money for others. “ (Ron Kritzfeld)
  6. “If I could live my life again, I would make the same mistakes. But a little earlier so that I have more of it. “ (Marlene Dietrich)
  7. “You have to wait for the future and enjoy or endure the present.” (Wilhelm von Humboldt)
  8. “Time is a great teacher. It’s just a shame that she kills her students. “ (Curt Goetz)
  9. “The sum of our lives are the hours we love.” (Wilhelm Busch)
  10. “One waits for time to change, the other tackles it and acts.” (Dante Alighieri)