Monday motivation

With the arrival of autumn, it becomes a little more difficult for us to start Monday motivated . Getting out of bed and getting ready to go to work seems like a world to us, right? Who wouldn’t want to stay in bed a little longer? The change of season brings us shorter days, fewer daylight hours and the cold begins to appear, leaving behind the long days of summer. Consequently, our levels of serotonin (the so-called “happiness hormone”) decrease and cause 30% of the population to suffer from autumn depression .

However, the change of season can be a good time to rethink your life, especially the professional variant. A good time to analyze your current situation and visualize everything you want to achieve, set yourself new challenges, consider new projects…

If you follow us on social networks , you will know that at Turijobs we like to start the week with a lot of joy and positivity . Starting Monday motivated helps us to be more productive and achieve our goals. So why don’t you join us?

Next, we make the compilation of the 10 best phrases to start Monday motivated :

1. A pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity. An optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty. (Winston Churchill)

It’s Monday. And that? Isn’t that reason enough to be happy? You have before you a week full of new opportunities. Seize it!

2. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Can’t Monday be a good day to have fun with your friends or find a new job that satisfies you? Live this day!

3. Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things. (Denis Diderot)

The tourism and hospitality sector is one of the sectors with the most potential in Spain and one of the most exciting. And you are part of it. Enjoy it!

4. Whenever they ask you if you can do a job, answer yes and start learning how to do it right away. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)

Nobody is perfect. But at the same time, we all have the infinite capacity to learn. Monday is the perfect day to acquire new knowledge. Open your mind!

5. Take time to think, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and act. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Do not let fear overcome you or wait for the right moment, because it may never come. Draw your goal plan and act!

6. Only those who dare to suffer great failures are capable of achieving great successes. (Will Smith)

Nobody likes to make mistakes, but you learn from them. Avoid blame and focus on the lessons you can learn from mistakes. Learn and grow!

7. It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as  you don’t stop . (Confucius)

Always keep going, even if you make mistakes. And if problems arise, never stop. Fight for your goals. You can with everything!

8. Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence . It is the key to unleashing our potential. (Winston Churchill)

Hard work is the only thing that can take you to your goals, so always strive to give your best. Bring out your potential and show it to the world!

9. Self  – confidence  is the first secret of success. (Ralp Waldo Emerson).

Trusting oneself allows us to face life decisively. Believe in your abilities, and achieve your goal!

10. Some people want something to happen, others dream of it happening, others make it happen. (Michael Jordan)

Do not wait for tomorrow, today may be the perfect day to achieve your goal. Are you looking for a new job opportunity? More than 1,200 job offers are waiting for you today !